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Running Rituals in COVID Times

Running has become much needed exercise for the body and a stress reliever and head clearer for the mind for many lately, due to the closures of their gyms. But with daylight savings ending, our sunlit days get shorter and shorter, necessitating the before dawn run or after dusk run. If you are one of those that needs to squeeze in your run or walk when its dark out, here are a few tips to keep you safe.

Before you head out after dark, it's a good practice to tell, call, email, or text someone the route your going, and when you should be back. If you live alone, just leave a sticky note by the door with that basic info, just in case...

Wear reflective clothing, glow in the dark clothing or a head lamp so cars and trucks can see you.

Don't forget an ID or runner's ID tag, and a cell phone in case of an emergency.

It's safest to try to run with just one earphone in, if you can, to hear your tunes.

When you run at night enjoy the cool vibe that doesn't require sunscreen. Because it's cooler, you may sweat less, and this is a big deal if you are prone to mask aggravating breakouts.

Running outdoors with your dog or a friend (socially distanced of course) is a great way to stay safe, motivated, and have more fun!

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